Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What 2008 Has Taught Me

As I bid farewell to 2008, I look back to see the gifts this year brought along for me. It has been one year which will remain etched in my heart. A year full of letting-go, acceptance, heart-breaks and unparalleled fulfillment, it has been. A year in which I have seen miracles happen.

2008 has taught me never to lose hope. As I write this post on the last day of this year, there are emotions in me which I am unable to express in words. However, the most wonderful lesson which I re-learnt this year is that nothing is lost. No pain, however insignificant it seems to onlookers, is wasted. No betrayal goes unpunished, and every sincere prayer is answered. It might take many years, perhaps 28, but the deepest desire is always fulfilled, if it is pure and unselfish.

Now that 2008 is going away, will the miracles end? They will never end, for miracles are God’s gifts and He is not a miser. The year 2008, like the microcosm reflecting the working of the whole universe, has reflected for me the truth of timelessness. All experiences are recorded in eternity and all love, beauty and grace are stored in souls willing to take in the wonder.


Shravan Raghunath said...

loved the post, but i wish if it was a little more explained..say, a lil more elaborated :)

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thanks Shravan for the appreciation. As I put in the post, "... there are emotions in me which I am unable to express in words." It happens in life sometimes; we become overwhelmed by some experience(s) and words cannot do justice to expression. Thus, elaboration was not possible. Best wishes.

Shravan Raghunath said...

i made it out when i wrote mine.words fail at times.

Ayesha Parveen said...

Hi Shravan, thanks for understanding.

Unknown said...

Thank you for this beautiful writing. From now on, even I will believe in miracles.

Ayesha Parveen said...

Hi Nabadipa!

Thanks a lot :)