Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Lonely Warrior

- by Ayesha Parveen 09 Dec 2008
Category: Lifestyle.
This story has been read 135 times.
The lonely warrior fights the battle,
Even as he sees his comrades all retreat;
He had promised his wife that come what may
Her man would not taste, in battle, defeat.

He struggles on with all his wounds
Aching and bleeding on all sides;
The warrior sings to himself a love-song
As he fights, his faith abides.

The man now is all alone
When suddenly he sees the enemy near
With all his might he attacks
A life, which like his, is very dear.

The lonely warrior fought the battle,
And he is long dead and gone;
The only time his name his heard,
Is when his widow sings his song.

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