Friday, February 6, 2009

Gratitude overflows

As I look at my life I can see so much of love and gifts that I continue receiving. There is also much of pain and unfulfillment. So, what is my stand towards my happiness-ratio in life? I am satisfied.

For all the things I am not receiving now, I am patient, trusting God’s judgment of the right time and suitability. For the deep joys and graces I continue getting from Him, I am happy to thrive on them. These prove that God listens to our cries and gives us what we need.

Whether it is joy or woe, the final message is always positive. I am feeling gratitude overflowing from my heart. God deserves thanks for all that I experience. God deserves thanks for the peace and happiness He continues to give me.


A New Beginning said...

God showers his blessings on those who are thankful. May he bless you with the best:)Will mail u sn!

Subuhi said...

You teach me day after day after day...I am grateful

Shravan Raghunath said...

Good, Loved Reading...

KParthasarathi said...

"You have to believe in happiness,
Or happiness never comes....
Oh,that's the reason a bird can sing-
On his darkest day he believes in Spring."
Glad your mind is at peace filled with gratitude for His blessings given.

Whirlwind said...

A beautiful one Ayesha.It makes one realize to feel grateful for whatever we have today instead of mulling over what we dont. God Bless.

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thank you, Sana, for your encourgement and blessings. God bless you too. Best wishes.

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thank you Subuhi for your appreciative comments. Unfortunately, your second comment got lost.

Yes, God teaches us everyday. Best wishes.

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thanks Shravan, for reading and liking it. I love your pictures of the lamps, the butterfly and the tiny white flowers. Best wishes.

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thank you Swetha for your appreciative comment. Best wishes and God bless.

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thank you Parthasarathi for your encouraging comment including the beautiful lines quoted.

Yes, we get happiness if we choose it. The attitude has to be right; then, even when there are painful storms in our lives, deep within our souls, we feel a peaceful sense of happiness.

God bless you, KP.

Shravan Raghunath said...

as i once said, i am not an atheist, but nor do i believe in praying to a stone saying its god, and offering prayers for money :) i say it business, though a visit to the temple gives a some mental peace for the atmosphere there..

so there is some eternal source that i and you call god, and he is to be thanked for all the blessings he shower on them, for the care he gives us,and as some one said, if the end is not fair, its not the end.. as you rightly said, the final message will always be positive..

as Milton says,

God doth not need either man's works, or His own gifts; who best bear His mild yoke, they serve Him best...
...they also serve who only stand and wait.

he is not to be thanked, he is to be remembered always :)

Shravan Raghunath said...

and ayesha, thank you for always being the support and inspiration, thank you for liking the pictures i take.. all come by His merct and grace..

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thanks Shravan, for your detailed comments. You are right in saying that God does not need to be thanked by us. But we need to thank Him or we would be expressing ingratitude. Nice quotation :)

Best wishes.

Manivannan Sadasivam said...

It's a heart warming post. Beautifully expressed!

A reply to Shravan.

I really appreciate your views. God is everywhere. But there is a whole lot of science behind worshiping stone. Plz check out the book "Am I a Hindu?" You can find answers to your basic questions in that book and also appreciate the beauty of idol worship.
Stones never ask money, it's the people :) And you're right that's purely business. It's a sad thing!

Also, don't you see the beauty of worshiping a stone? if one could love and bow down even to a stone, don't you think he can love and respect everything in this creation?

God is not to be thanked...he is always to be remembered. It's a brilliant thought. Even I feel the only way we can be grateful to God is by reciprocating it, the blessing we receive, to others. So your absolutely right.

But even thanking God is a way of remembering Him. Is it not so?

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thank you Manivannan, for your appreciative comment. Best wishes.

ajay.rao said...

Hi Ayesha,

I was really missing reading you all these days. I hope more and more adopt your way of approach towards life. Thanks for sharing some excellent thoughts.

Mahimaa's kitchen said...

you have a wonderful blog.. enjoyed reading your posts.. keep it up!

Ayesha Parveen said...

Hi Ajay,

Great to see you here and thank you for your kind words of appreciation.Please visit again. Best wishes :)

Ayesha Parveen said...

Hi Mahimaa, welcome! Do visit again. Best wishes.