Thursday, January 29, 2009

Rose and Snow

Little Rose was asked by God where she would like to bloom when sent to Earth. She could choose from beautiful Garden, the side of the refreshing Stream and cold Snow. Rose wanted to know from God why Snow was so cold when Garden and Stream were friendly and spontaneous.

God told her that Snow was in the form of life-giving water and the friendliest one, a long time back. However, constant hurts and betrayals had made him wary of friendship and love and he had become cold, oh, so very cold!

Rose, full of colour, decided. She chose to bloom in Snow believing that her warmth and colour would melt him one day. God warned her gently that she would, till then, have to bear the chill of Snow. Rose said she had already made up her mind.

God was happy and blessed both Rose and Snow.


Whirlwind said...

A beautiful interpretation of nature and gives intrinsic details that one wouldnt take notice off. Well written.

Shravan Raghunath said...

doesnt that sound like a love story? the rose and the snow?

KParthasarathi said...

Beautiful concept explained with a simple example.Great,Ayesha

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thanks Sana for your encouraging comment. Best wishes.

Ayesha Parveen said...

Shravan, thanks for your comment. You are right about this; it is a love story :) Best wishes.

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thank you Parthasarathi for your kind comment. Nature, indeed, shows what is reflected in the human heart. Best wishes.

Vimida said...

I was reading through your post- did it twice, you know, it has different meanings for different people. It could be a love story, it could be an observation of me it also seemed to say that even if things were bleak, all was not lost...even the hard cold snow could hope that a rose would come its way and make life so much more pleasant.....I'm sure if I read it once more, I'll find something else new;)...keep writing!

Ayesha Parveen said...

Vim, thank you so much for your highly introspective and appreciative comment. I will cherish it. Best wishes :)

A New Beginning said...

Thats why they say that love is a magic wand that can change anything that comes in its contact.A beautiful post indeed! Hats off to the writer:)

Ayesha Parveen said...

Hey Sana, thanks a lot. Two of your comments got deleted, unfortunately; this pc is acting weird!

Yes, as you have correctly said, love is the magic wand. If we feel apprehensive, as we often do, the best thing would be to trust God. I wrote the last line because ultimately, it is God's help which makes dreams come true.

Thanks again for your highly motivating comment. Have a great day. God bless you, Sana.

Manivannan Sadasivam said...


Wonderful post! Very well written. I loved your interpretation. It is as beautiful as the rose and snow :)

Take care!

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thank you Manivannan for your highly appreciative comments. Life inspires literature; I truly believe that with God's blessings, even the seemingly impossible can happen in reality. God bless you.

Subuhi said...

A wonderful post :)Little does one realise how true these words are.Ayesha,its one of those introspective posts... that more you get to read them more you get to learn from them.Vim rightly says the meaning is subjective but the learning exists in every meaning. Thanks for a lovely post that teaches about love, sacrifice, faith, sympathy, benevolence, mercy, prudence, temperance, unconditional loving kindness and HOPE. GOD bless... you taught me a lesson I'll never forget. Thanks

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thank you Subuhi and Swetha for your beautiful words of appreciation and encouragement. God bless :)

Niranjana said...

Just loved your articles..and ur entire blog........could relate to all your thoughts so seem so complete,so true,so wholistic inside..God Bless You.:-):-):-)

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thanks Niranjana for appreciating my work. Best wishes :)