Wednesday, January 7, 2009


The concept of beauty is intriguing. What some find attractive, some others might find repulsive. Over the ages, and across different cultures, different types are considered appealing as far as physical beauty is concerned. A certain skin-tone or a particular type of facial features is labeled more beautiful than others. This is just another name for social biases and if a person is on the wrong side of a bias, his life can become quite tough indeed. Moreover, what is in vogue now, becomes outdated very soon.

Whether in favour or not, the beauty of the body fades with time. Wrinkles appear, signaling the inevitable decay that has begun. Colouring hair to hide age does not fool anyone.

However, there is a beauty which does not decay unless we allow it to. If we are confident of ourselves, that is real beauty. When we can look back and see we have lived with honesty and compassion, that is a sure sign of beauty. Seeing God’s hand in the world of Nature and in human affairs adds to the beauty within us.

You have the beauty of the universe within you.


lakshmi said...

Very aptly said Ayesha. Exterior beauty is not permanent at all. The inner beauty is not seen but can be felt and is permanent. It carries much much value. But how many of us realize this and give it the much needed priority?
Nice posting

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thanks Lakshmi for your comment.

Whirlwind said...

How true and well written Ayesha. I especially liked the last line "You have the beauty of the universe within you."

Manivannan Sadasivam said...

Beautiful! :)

A beautiful invitation to seek beauty within... Well written friend. Thank you for your warm comments. You've a wonderful blog here. You're posts are really good. Following you :)

Take care.

KParthasarathi said...

Who can dispute what you have written? You are hundred percent right as always.

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thank you KP for your lovely comment. As you know, I write from my soul and so, what I write is what first rings true to me. You have always encouraged and supported me. In return, I can only say, "thank you very much."

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thank you Swetha for always taking the time to read and appreciate my posts as well as leave encouraging comments. Best wishes.

Ayesha Parveen said...

Manivannan, a warm welcome to you at my blog. Thank you for following it and for your highly appreciative comment. Best wishes.

A New Beginning said...

Beauty isnt skin deep:) a small sentence placed beautifully in amazing words.Keep up the good work Ayesha, look forward to ur posts:)

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thank you Sana for your appreciative comment. Best wishes.

Subuhi said...

External beauty withers away but,inner radiance shines through... the wisdom of your words serves as a bugle for days to come... for we know you're beautiful :)

Thanks for keeping us abreast with what we already knew but voluntarily forgot.. "You have the beauty of the universe within you"

Very true indeed.

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thank you Subuhi for your beautiful, appreciative comment. Best wishes.

Shravan Raghunath said...

fact !! its not the external skin that matters, instead its the internal beauty that counts.

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thanks Shravan for your appreciative comment. Best wishes.