Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How much can a parent do?

Usually when a child is born, his parents are filled with joy and it seems that they would do almost anything to save the child from the trials of life. However, even with the most well-meaning of parents, situations can arise where they can do little to help their child. In spite of their best efforts to protect him, he has to go through much hardship and pain in life, and the parents become helpless witnesses to the agony.

What is a parent to do then? Does he accept it as the result of the child's previous lives' karma? Does he bear it as an exceptional test by God? Whatever his philosophy of life, seeing his child suffer is usually unbearable for a good parent.

The only thing a parent can do in such a case, is, in my opinion, give extra love and attention to his child. It is through love that even the unbearable is tolerated with a little less pain.

Hiding his own tears, a parent has to smile for his child.


SindhuBhairavi said...

Very true Ayesha.. its a sad situation.. but love can turn everything good..
my prayers to all parents who have to see their kids suffer..

Ayesha Parveen said...

Hi Sindhu,

Thanks a lot. Best wishes :)

Whirlwind said...

Its sad to see parents feeling helpless sometimes. Guess prayers and hope work in such cases. Bad Karma?? Guess it leaves one to ponder about past misdeeds.Good one Ayesha.

A New Beginning said...

encouragement is a must, parents should encourage their kids, even if they fail in life, a few words of encouragement revitalize their energy inturn nurturing a stable and successful future for them.
Thanks for the thought provoking post Ayesha:)

Ayesha Parveen said...

Hi Swetha,

Thanks for your detailed comment. Best wishes :)

Ayesha Parveen said...

Hi Sana,

Thanks for your appreciative comment. Yes, encouragement and unconditional love can work wonders.

Best wishes :)

deeps said...

if you belive in karma theory!

i would rather go by one of our professors who said all miserey in the world is caused by human greed and hatred and lack of love ...

and you got it there too ...

Ayesha Parveen said...

Hi Deepu,

Human greed, hatred, lack of love and cruelty are all examples of bad karma.

My point in the post is that sometimes we see our children suffer and are unable to help them. Love is the only thing that lessens the suffering for both the child and the parent.

Have a nice day.

deeps said...

Thank you for the clarification :-)…
I still am not sure about this karma theory blame it on my background and studies ….looks like some other stuff has taken prime place ….
But whats important as you say is love that can lessen suffering …and prayer at the feet of God …

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thanks, Deepu :)

Manivannan Sadasivam said...

Love lessens the suffering...very true! And a very strong message sent across.

*smiles and wishes*

Ayesha Parveen said...

Hi Manivannan,

Thanks a lot :)

Best wishes to you, as well.
