Tuesday, January 19, 2010


In this cold winter morning,
A little bud has decided that she will bloom,
Knowing that the chill will not last forever,
And sooner than later, spring will come.
Having being a bud for a long time now,
She is waiting to spread out her soft petals
Full of colour and fragrance.
No winter can kill a bud, for she
Has the patience to wait for the time of bloom.


A New Beginning said...

So true:) I needed these words..right on time :) Thanks Ayesha its a beautiful piece!

Whirlwind said...

Very beautifully written. Reminds me of Shelly's poem if winter comes can spring be far behind?

Unknown said...

Wow.Beautiful lines indeed

Ayesha Parveen said...

Thanks, KP and Swetha.
@ Swetha: Yes, Shelly's immortal work: Ode to the West Wind :)

Ayesha Parveen said...

Hi Sana,

Thanks. I am glad the poem has served a good purpose :)

paramveer said...

such a beautiful verse.yet i m unable to understand the last one line........it is still mystery whether bud glooms or not!..keep it for the second part of this poem if u want :P

Writers Anonymous said...

Wow! those lines were full of hope and optimism. That was a treat for a die-hard optimistic like me! I am glad to have read those lines.

AutoDT said...

Beautifully expressed...!!!:)


Ayesha Parveen said...

Thanks a lot, Cyrus and Amritbir. Best wishes :)

Ayesha Parveen said...

Hi Paramveer,

Thanks a lot, friend. The bud does bloom, finally :)

Best wishes :)