The Director of Academics of a certain school had sent an extremely important and urgent email to the sports’ coordinator of the school who saw the content and decided that the games teacher (games falls under co-curricular activities ) needed to know about the matter.
The games teacher was a person who never used a computer and thus, had no internet ID. The coordinator, in an inexplicable moment of decision, had the email printed out and put the hard-copy inside the first-aid kit which the games teacher took to the cricket field every day. He never bothered to make a phone call to the teacher to tell him about it.
Two days later, when the Director asks the coordinator why he hadn’t looked into the urgent matter, the games teacher is called. In the presence of all three, the first-aid box is opened and the very urgent mail is retrieved!
Generations ago, love-letters would be delivered in a similar manner, resulting in sometimes hilarious and sometimes disastrous consequences. Circumstances and times change, but the drama of life remains the same.
I laughed and laughed and laughed!
Thank you for this writing.
Good One Ayesha:)Certain things never change!
All the best to you!
nice one
True. I guess its the drama that makes life what it is-interesting and hilarious.
@ Nabadipa,
Thanks for the comment :)
@ Sana,
Thanks a lot Sana, for always encouraging me. All the best to you as well :)
@ Ather,
Thanks for visiting and liking my work. Do come again.
@ Swetha,
Thanks a lot Swetha. Cheers :)
That made a good laugh :) Well written!
Hi Ayesha...
The mention of 'love letters' brings some fond memories back...
Good read... looks like we will never be rid of the snail mail and its (un)desirable impact :)
@ Manivannam,
Thank you for appreciating my work.
@ Ravi,
Thank you for visiting and for leaving the kind comment.
Best wishes,
lol... great one
Nice one really.Different kinda post.
Tx for dropping by and ur wishes and prayers for me...So sweet of u, actually am first time here...Interesting blog...Keep writing dear..
Today is my fist journey into the universe of blogging and I am touched by the many beautiful and inspiring sites to which I have been led. Thanks for sharing a part of your world with me.
Angel Blessings
@ american desi,
Thanks for liking my work. do visit again.
@salil dhawan,
Hi Salil, thank you for visiting my blog and for leaving a nice comment. Do come again:)
@ sriharivatsan,
Thanks for visiting; it is very nice of you. Do visit again.
@ ted a. brooks,
Hi Ted, thank you for visiting. All the best to you for your journey in the world of blogs. Do visit again.
Best wishes,
he drama has to go on..! (until one day the curtains come down...)
and when that comes down, no email and phone can help..!!
hey Ayesha, how have you been?
Hi Deeps,
Thanks a lot for visiting and leaving a comment. I am doing okay.
When will you update your blog?
Take care :)
So much for the Global village:)
Thanks, Ajay :)
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